Wednesday, April 22, 2009

15 or 20 bucks

I haven't written in a while because I started taking Ambien and I must not be waking up for as long so I don't remember my dreams. I don't take it every night, but since I only remember dreams every once in a while and forget to write.

Last night I took a different sleep aid, and kind of remember my dream.

One part of my dream is hard to explain. The part I can explain is that Luke and I were at some sort of show and I was sitting by this older man who kind of made me uncomfortable. At intermission, he started talking to me. I tried to be nice. We walked over to this bar area that was right by his seat on the aisle. He offered me 15 or 20 dollars. I didn't want to take that from him. He said it was rude and if I didn't want 15-20 dollars, I had to take something of his from the case in the bar. He said it was alcohol, but when I looked in there, I saw some really expensive cologne. He kept pestering me, so I asked for 15-20 dollars. I made it back to my seat with 3 crumpled dollar bills.

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